December 2023
Club members celebrated the holiday season with our annual gift to the community, the Barrington Beach Tree. We also sent cards to Meals on Wheels recipients, visited our friends at the Maher Center supported living home, and made the season merrier for a local family in need.

November 2023
The annual Peace Poster Contest was a success and the talented middle school artists were honored at our November meeting. More information is available on the Peace Poster section of our website.

September & October
Club members had a busy fall conducting vision screenings in Barrington schools, fulfilling our commitment to keep Police Cove Park clean, celebrating the season with our friends at the Maher Center supported living home, and co-sponsoring the Barrington Beach & Treat!

March - September
Club members had a successful garding season with nearly 80 pounds of food grown and donated to Tap-in.

June 2023
The 2023 Scavenger Hunt was a fun-filled success! In addition to having a lot of fun,
we collected 142 pounds of food for Tap-in, 124 toiletry items for the Women's Resource Center in Warren, 37 pairs of adult socks for Loaves and Fishes, and 10 pair of eyeglasses!

June 2023
The Barrington Lions Club gave away bike helmets to kids at Saturday's Bike Safety & Repair Day at Police Cove Park. All helmets were properly fitted and families left with valuable bike safety information.

May 2023
The Barrington Lions Club awarded it's first scholarship! More information may be found on the scholarship section of our website.

May 2023
Barrington Lions celebrated our anniversery! Our club was formed in 2019 and chartered in 2021. Serving Barrington for the past four years!!

April 2023
Barrington Lions welcomed Spring with a traditional Easter Egg Roll for children, and a food drive for Tap-in where we collected over 500 pounds of food!

January 2023

Barrington Lions were part of the inaugural New Years Day Dip in the Bay, a fundraiser for the Barrington Lions Club Scholarship fund and our local food pantry, Tap-in.